A mouthless dolphin diving into the water.
One of the few known pictures of a fanged dolphin. Note the distinctive lack of mouth.


Most of them have mouths.
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The fang-mouthed dolphin, Delphinus Botlenekii

This is the only known species of venomous dolphin. They closely resemble normal dolphins, with the exception of having a single large fang protruding from the center of their upper jaw. The fang-mouthed dolphin preys exclusively on other dolphins and thus its venom only affects other dolphins. The fang-mouthed dolphin is believed to have been hunted to extinction sometime in the early 20th century for their venom, which was highly prized as a skin care product. The last confirmed sighting was in 1938 by an unnamed student of renowned dolphinogist, Thurdoch Botlenek.

The fanged mouth-dolphin

The fanged mouth-dolphin, previously the fanged mouthed-dolphin, which, as its name suggests, is a dolphin with fangs and a mouth. This species is not to be confused with the fang-mouthed dolphin which only has one fang and a mouth whereas the fanged mouth-dolphin has two fangs and a mouth. The fanged mouth-dolphin also lacks the venom of the fang-mouthed dolphin but more than makes up for it in ferocity. It has been nicknamed the wolverine of the open ocean for its tendency to eat any other animal. They have no natural predators.

The fanged dolphin

This odd species is the only species of dolphin without a mouth, instead it has a single fang on the bottom of its rostrum. This fang is hollow, similar to the hollow fang used by the fang-mouthed dolphin to inject venom, although the fanged dolphin does not have venom, instead it uses its fang to suck blood from whales and other large marine animals. It is not uncommon to see round scars on whales left by this feeding practice. Until 1924, when Botlenek observed a pod of fanged dolphins drain a grey whale dry in the Bristol bay, these scars were mistaken for barnacle scars. Further research has determined that pod feedings are uncommon for fanged dolphins and was likely a result of dwindling food sources due to overhunting of whales. It is theorised that in the event of a total lack of food, fanged dolphins will form fanged dolphin-kings (similar to tickkings) and leave the sea to roll around on land.This theory was brought forth after the discovery of cave paintings in greenland depicting fanged dolphin-kings. Some scholars believe these paintings instead depict regular dolphins swimming in a circle. It is commonly thought that fanged dolphins have some sort of numbing agent in their saliva although further research is needed to confirm this.

The mouthed dolphin

This species of dolphin is known to science from a single beached specimen documented by Botlenek’s rival Kristoff Robaloe in 1925 on the south sandwich islands; its existence is one of the most controversial subjects in modern dolphinology. Many dolphinologists believe it to be a hoax crafted by Robaloe to steal fame from Botlenek, although a few still believe the mouthed dolphin’s existence.

Tags: Oceans

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