A digital outline sketch of The Elephant.

The Elephant

All of the above.
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The Elephant is a genetically engineered species of elephant. It is thought to be created by A Mysterious Organisation (AMO) although this is only because its origins are very mysterious. It is the largest animal in the world, large enough to swallow any other living animal whole (it has some trouble swallowing dead blue whales because they swell). It is also the fastest animal in the world, able to break the sound barrier while running and dodge bullets (not that it needs to because it’s bulletproof), has the fastest known regeneration, the best senses, is immune to all poisons, venoms and bacterial diseases and has an endoskeleton and an exoskeleton. In addition the Elephant can shapeshift and change color, can fly (not very well, but only slightly slower than the speed of sound), can communicate telepathically with anything using its tusks, can grow any number of internal organs at will and has above human intelligence. Luckily A Mysterious Organisation (or whoever created it) engineered several weaknesses into the Elephant, which it is prevented from knowing by a nano chip in its brain. It is severely allergic to gluten and water, extremely weak to viral infections and will die if it doesn’t eat a fish-meat-peanut every 24 hours. It is also ridiculously weak to radiation such that a microwave with its door open or a military-grade laser would cause it to die. Being exposed to the sun every day actually keeps it in a relatively weakened state, and the full extent of its abilities are unknown. Despite being a species of elephant, the Elephant usually assumes the appearance of a large red metallic theropod. It also normally has 13 eyes, six toes per foot, lots of tiny wings, two brains, three hearts and 4 tusks. The Elephant also can breathe out dead whales (of any kind) that explode into humanesque babies with prehensile saber-teeth which can breathe out even smaller saber-toothed babies.

The Elephant has never escaped its island prison, although most experts in the field agree that it's just a matter of time and that it should be put down before it wreaks havoc on the rest of the world.

Categories: Animals

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